Ready to make a mark in the exciting world of ed-tech, gain valuable real-world writing experience, and learn from industry professionals? Mission.io is a rapidly growing educational technology company based in Provo that is making learning more fun, interactive, and effective for students nationwide. We say our program is like the Magic School Bus meets an escape room … on steroids. We blend cutting-edge technology with educational best practices to create immersive, gamified learning experiences that are used in around 400 schools. We're on a mission to better prepare students for the demands of the 21st century, and we're looking for a talented Intern (or two) to join us on this journey. Check out our website
Job Description
As a Writing and Research Intern at Mission.io, you'll have the opportunity to work on a variety of professional writing, research, and/or editing projects as assigned based on company needs (and intern strengths, experience, and interests). These tasks may include but are not limited to:
- Conducting background research, citing sources, and summarizing key information for use in missions and/or other company projects
- Writing miscellaneous text components needed for missions (e.g., informational texts, evidence for students to analyze, summaries of academic content, etc.)
- Editing and refining written content based on provided style guides
- Writing compelling case studies of program implementation success stories based on interviews, testimonials, observations, and data
- Crafting website copy and/or social media content that communicates the unique benefits of our platform
Desired Qualifications
- Proficient, detail-oriented writer with basic research and editing skills
- Quick learner who is receptive to feedback
- Ability to work independently with minimal supervision
- This is a part-time, paid internship position requiring approximately 10-15 hours per week ($12/hour)
- This position is remote and all work will be done asynchronously. Occasional meetings at our company office in Provo may be required, but most meetings will be conducted via video conferencing.
- Your primary supervisor at Mission.io will be Cameron Milien (Director of Educational Development). She will be your primary point of contact regarding assignments, feedback, and communication.
Skills Gained
This internship offers valuable exposure to and real-world experience in the fast-growing ed-tech industry. You will develop skills in writing, research, and editing in a professional context. Through this internship, you will also grow a diverse portfolio of professional work samples and references that can aid in your future job search.
How to Apply
Interested? Please email your resume and and 2-3 writing samples to Cameron Milien (Director of Educational Development) at cameron@mission.io. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. We look forward to hearing from you!