Emily Bush: Cedar Fort Publishing Internship Skip to main content
Student Experiences

Emily Bush: Cedar Fort Publishing Internship

"Give everything a shot—no matter how impossible it seems. I never thought a real publishing house would want my help, but they did!"

I interned for Cedar Fort, a publishing house in Springville where I edited, typeset, and proofread books before they were published.

Talk briefly about the major takeaways from your internship experience.

I learned that working in the publishing industry isn’t as unattainable as I always thought. I didn’t need to have the Chicago Manual of Style memorized or be perfectly confident with InDesign. I showed up, did my best, asked a lot of questions, and learned a ton! Give everything a shot—no matter how impossible it seems. I never thought a real publishing house would want my help, but they did!

Would you recommend your internship to others? What advice do you have for future interns to help them have a successful internship?

I would recommend an internship with Cedar Fort. It’s a small company so I really got to see firsthand how a publishing house is run. I also got to try my hand at a variety of things and work with great people. If you can swing an unpaid internship, it’s a great experience.